Mask Monday: SNP Animal Tiger Wrinkle Mask Sheet Review

SNP (Shining Nature Purity) Animal Tiger Wrinkle Mask Sheet is a “wrinkle care mask to boost dulling skin cells with elastic energy leaving skin radiant and resilient.”


This is a super cute mask intended to “replenish resilient energy to make skin firm and lustrous.” It contains 750mg of coconut water, as well as witch hazel.

My wonderful DH, trooper that he is, agreed to give this mask a try on Super Bowl Sunday (Go Patriots!) .


DH reports that the mask smelled good. 🙂 Which means it could smell like anything from roses to pumpkin pie. Not clear. DH said that he didn’t like this mask as much because you can’t tell if it’s working right away. He loves pore strips and peel off masks, because at least you see that something is happening. Ah well. Worth a try!



Yes To Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Paper Mask review

Hey guys!

Despite my age (early 30s), I have skin problems. Like, annoying acne problems that you would expect in someone half my age. It’s so ridiculous to have to worry both about wrinkles and blemishes. Anyway, that’s one of the reasons I love masks. It’s fun skincare.

The Yes To Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Paper Mask is a sheet mask, which I love. One of the best things about masks is looking like a weirdo while you beautify!


This mask smells really nice. And it’s tingly on your skin… Almost too tingly. But I definitely like to feel like my masks are working, so that was good for me 🙂 After I took it off, I washed my face with Micellar water. This mask left my face pretty red afterward from all of the tingling, so I wouldn’t do this before going out, but it calmed down within an hour or so. Overall, A+. Would try again.



A Challenge Update and a Video

Well, hello! I meant to give an update on my declutter challenge yesterday but we’ve been battling a stomach virus here. Whine, whine, whine! We’ve made it through the worst I think, so things are looking up. Phew!

Unfortunately, my box of donations this week is small. I’ll try to make up for that next week, but I can’t make any promises.

Okay- let’s keep this short and sweet.

The Box


The Contents

  • stuffed toy pig
  • stress ball
  • 2 small lotions
  • 8 pairs of shoes

That’s a total of 12 items this week. I may or may not be crying a little. 🙂 Okay, add that to last week’s total of 46 items and we have a grand total of 58! It’s not a bad total for just two weeks, and remember that I’m doing this throughout 2017. So hopefully there will be plenty more.

Friday’s Video

This is the Target Beauty Box for January.

This month Target offered two boxes: a $5.00 box and a $10.00 box. I purchased the $5.00 box and made a video so you can compare the contents of it to the Walmart Beauty Box that Beks made a video for just a few days ago. The box from Walmart is also $5.00. Nice comparison!

Which box did you like better this time around? Have you been decluttering? How are you doing with your goals for this year?

Have a great weekend!


Makeup Organization: How to store my makeup collection?

Seriously, this is a never ending question. Where to store all of the makeup we are collecting…? There are so many great ideas out there!

Should I go this route, with a great frame/magnetic setup a la LauraThoughts81?14-03-2011018

Then there is the Alex drawer from IKEA… This is great for storing a growing collection.


Or the even bigger Alex unit from IKEA


Now that’s what I’m talking about!!

This glass top vanity from LizMarieBlog is pretty amazing –


I could try these stick on pods for convenient storage, wherever I like –


A low cost option is using ice cube trays for storage of smaller items –


DVD racks are a great way to organize palettes!


Or I could always use these catchall storage bins, available on Amazon


This unit, available on Etsy


Or I could repurpose an old jewelry organizer


So much makeup, so many options!!

How do you organize your makeup?



Target Advent Calendar: Day 2!

What a day! My internet wasn’t working earlier today so I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to post. I’m happy to be connected again! It’s time for the second day of 12 Days of Beauty Faves!

As I was editing this video, I caught myself cringing a lot. I was pretty tired when I filmed this particular video, and it seems I had a lot of trouble focusing. Maybe this can be used as evidence that people need a good amount of sleep to function properly. Yes…

I hope you all are doing well and having an enjoyable week. It’s pretty cold here- but I think it’d be good weather for snowshoeing or cross country skiing. We’ve got the snow, and with the sun out- it just makes activities like those lovely. I really like snowshoeing; I need to make some time for it.

Only 2 more days until Friday! Woohoo! What are you up to? What do you need to make time for?


p.s. Tomorrow I will be posting an update on my No Hoarding Here Challenge. I don’t know about that name. I’ll have to think about it. Be sure to check out what I’m getting rid of. 🙂